3D CAD/BIM solution for Architects

- PDF printing
- Open and Close Furnitures
- Glass wall – new properties
- Ramp by cross section profile
- New Design Center options
- New Section tool properties – Show items behind the cropt region
- 3D views: real time mirroring and soft shadow
- Buy
The Margin value is editable in case of printing a PDF file.
The parametric cabinets can be represented with different representation in 3D one by one:
- Closed
- Slightly open
- Open
- Without front
The glass, the frame and latticework parameterization has been further redefined, the relative position of the components (a direction perpendicular to the wall) can be adjusted.
New option was oncluded for the ramp, the cross-sectional profile defined and the possibility to edite.
The Design Centre (DC) is where content is available to be selected and dragged into your design.
The DC comes with new opportunities by browsing the collection of furniture, fabrics, colours by brands, providing them with access to high-quality texture representation and 3D models
The new DC is good opportunity to make smarter design choices, leading to more confident purchase decisions.
- Easy to navigate category layout
- Search field to browse by name, brands, product name and product categories.
The size range is displayed behind the section line can be adjusted.
Two shadows mode
In DirectX 11 video mode ARCHLine.XP 2016 can display the 3D model with real-time reflections and two shadow modes .
You can choose from following Shadow representations to visualize the 3D model:
- Soft shadow
- Hard shadow
Real time mirroring
In DirectX11 mode, the reflective surfaces of glass and mirror image of the 3D model makes the 3D model more realistic.
The DirectX11 mode, the reflection is a visual effect that gives the appearance, but not a true reflection.
Do not confused it with a high-resolution photo-realistic image calculated with real reflections.
Surface roughness
The effect of the surface roughness properties which can be set for the textures will appear in the 3D model.
With this settings the final 3D model in consistence colour mode becomes more real without creating a rendering.

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